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OpenSpending stewardship moving to Datopian

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Paul Walsh
2 mins read

OpenSpending is one of the longest-running projects both at Open Knowledge Foundation and within the open data ecosystem in its entirety. Starting life in 2009 as Where Does my Money Go?, OpenSpending has played a vital role in the publication of open budget and spending data by governments worldover.

Open Sign

Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

Over the past 5 years, much of the work around OpenSpending has been in collaboration with the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT). Via this collaboration, the Fiscal Data Package - a data standard for a wide range of public financial data - has been adopted by multiple countries, which use OpenSpending as a platform for publishing data in the Fiscal Data Package format.

Recently, Open Knowledge Foundation has shifted its focus away from government budget and spending. Given Datopian’s long-standing association with OpenSpending and Fiscal Data Package, it was agreed that Datopian would take on the stewardship of OpenSpending going forward with Rufus Pollock, the original creator of OpenSpending in the lead.

OpenSpending homepage

OpenSpending Homepage

Datopian will be consulting with the community to plan the evolution of the platform over the next few weeks. We will also continue to provide updates on our progress with GIFT, including the ways in which we plan to increase the adoption of Fiscal Data Package and aid governments to publish timely financial data.

The team at Datopian is very excited by this development and we look forward to hearing from members of the OpenSpending community. For now, you can reach out to us via our new discord channel, where we will be happy to chat and answer any questions.

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