1. Showcase
  2. Data Portals


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Portal Capture Image
Portal Capture Image
Portal Capture Image

Project Overview

Portal information


The implementation of the MOEI Data Portal significantly transformed the ministry's approach to data management. By providing seamless access to comprehensive datasets, the portal empowered stakeholders to make informed decisions, fostered transparency, and enhanced public trust. The user-friendly interface and advanced functionalities not only improved data utilization but also promoted a culture of innovation and collaboration within the energy and infrastructure sectors.

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The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MOEI) embarked on a mission to enhance data accessibility and transparency. Partnering with Datopian, the ministry launched an advanced open data portal to streamline data management, improve user experience, and foster data-driven decision-making.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Powerful search with advanced filtering options.

  • Intuitive interface for seamless data previewing.

  • Secure and efficient data download mechanisms.

  • Algorithms to link similar datasets for enhanced interconnectivity.

  • Organized datasets into various categories and topics.

  • Tools for users to build custom datasets from available data.

  • API integration with a focus on developer experience.

  • Accessibility tools and bilingual support for English and Arabic.

  • Feature for users to request or propose new datasets.

  • Mechanism for dataset feedback and rating.

  • Dynamic chart builder for data visualization.

Services Provided

  • UI/UX Design — Crafted a user-centric, bilingual interface that supports both English and Arabic, ensuring an inclusive and seamless user experience across diverse audiences.

  • CKAN Development — Implemented CKAN as the backbone for robust data management, ensuring efficient handling, categorization, and accessibility of large volumes of data.

  • PortalJS Development — Leveraged PortalJS to build a highly customizable and scalable frontend, facilitating user interaction and data visualization.

  • DevOps — Provided comprehensive DevOps services to ensure smooth deployment, continuous integration, and reliable maintenance of the data portal.

  • Bilingual Content Integration — Enabled support for both left-to-right and right-to-left languages, ensuring content accessibility for both English and Arabic speakers.

  • Accessibility Enhancements — Integrated advanced accessibility tools to ensure the portal is usable by individuals with diverse abilities, promoting inclusivity.

  • Content Management System (CMS) Integration — Utilized Ghost CMS to allow easy content updates and management without requiring technical assistance, ensuring the portal remains current and relevant.

  • Advanced Search and Filtering — Developed sophisticated search and filtering capabilities to help users quickly find and utilize relevant datasets.

  • Custom Feature Development — Added unique functionalities such as dataset feedback, rating, dynamic chart building, and API integration to enhance user engagement and data utility.

  • Data Security and Privacy — Implemented robust security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with privacy standards.